
  1. Year: 2024
  2. Issue: December 2024, Vol. 14, No. 4
  3. Download Full List
Article Title Author(s) Page
Integrating Natural Product Research Laboratory with artificial intelligence: advancements and breakthroughs in traditional medicine Jai-Sing Yang, Shih-Chang Tsai, Yuan-Man Hsu, Da-Tian Bau, Chia-Wen Tsai, Wen-Shin Chang, Sheng-Chu Kuo, Sheng-Chu Kuo, Chien-Chih Yu, Yu-Jen Chiu, and Fuu-Jen Tsai 1-14
Machine Learning-Guided Differential Gene Expression Analysis Identifies A Highly-Connected Seven-Gene Cluster in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Hany Ghazal, El-Sayed A. El-Absawy, Waleed Ead, and Mohamed E. Hasan 15-35
Advanced whole transcriptome sequencing and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) in imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like inflammation of human keratinocytes Lii-Tzu Wu, Shih-Chang Tsai, Tsung‑Jung Ho, Hao-Ping Chen, Yu-Jen Chiu, Yan-Ru Peng, Ting-Yuan Liu, Yu‑Ning Juan, Jai-Sing Yang, and Fuu-Jen Tsai 36-50
Application of Machine Learning to Identify Risk Factors for Outpatient Opioid Prescriptions Following Spine Surgery Alexander Bouterse, Andrew Cabrera, Adam Jameel, David Chung, and Olumide Danisa 51-60
Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered bibliometric analysis of global trends in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-derived exosome research: 2014-2023 Shih-Chang Tsai, Bing-Han Wan, Fuu-Jen Tsai, and Jai-Sing Yang 61-77
Juxtaposition of Bone Age and Sexual Maturity Rating of the Taiwanese Population Wen-Li Lu, Chung-Hsing Wang, Yi-Chun Lin, and Fuu-Jen Tsai 78-81
Artificial intelligence-driven prediction and validation of blood-brain barrier permeability and absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion profiles in Natural Product Research Laboratory compounds Jai-Sing Yang, Eddie TC Huang, Ken YK Liao, Da-Tian Bau, Shih-Chang Tsai, Chao-Jung Chen, Kuan-Wen Chen, Ting-Yuan Liu, Yu-Jen Chiu, and Fuu-Jen Tsai 82-91